김밥 (Gimbap/Kimbap)
김밥 (Gimbap/Kimbap) (Gim/Kim = Rumput Laut, Bap = Nasi) adalah makanan ringan khas Korea yang sangat digemari dan bergizi. Makanan ini mirip dengan Makisushi Jepang dalam persiapannya tetapi, dengan bahan yang berbeda. Bahan dasar dari Gimbap adalah nasi, daging, sayuran yang diacar atau yang masih segar. Secara tradisional nasi dibumbui dengan garam dan minyak wijen atau minyak perilla.
Isinya pun beragam, mulai dari ikan (dalam bentuk fish cake), daging kepiting, telur atau daging iga sapi yang dibumbui. Sedangkan bahan sayuran adalah ketimun, bayam, wortel dan danmuji. Gimbap dipilih sebagai makanan terfavorit dari 100 jenis masakan Korea oleh orang asing.
Berikut ini adalah cara membuat Gimbap :
(Resep yang Pertama) (id.answers.yahoo.com)
Kimbal (alat penggulung kimbab, terbuat dari bambu), pisau, wajan (untuk mendadar telur, dan menumis wortel dan bawang putih), rice cooker untuk memasak nasi.
4 lembar nori / kim (rumput laut kering)
2 mangkuk nasi putih pulen
2 telur dadar, iris tipis memanjang
1 kaleng tuna
100 gram crab stick, iris tipis memanjang
2 buah wortel, kupas, iris spt korek api
1 buah mentimun, iris spt korek api
2 sendok teh mayonaise
1/2 sdm cuka
sedikit garam dan minyak goreng
1 sdm minyak wijen
• Tumis wortel dengan sedikit bawang putih dan minyak goreng, angkat.
• Campur tumisan wortel dengan sedikit cuka dan garam. Sisihkan.
• Tumis crabstick dengan sedikit minyak goreng/margarin, angkat, sisihkan.
• Campurkan tuna dengan mayonaise, sisihkan.
• Campurkan nasi dg minyak wijen, cuka, garam, aduk rata, sisihkan.
Caranya menggulung:
• Paparkan nasi di atas rumput laut (bagian yg agak kasar menghadap keatas) beralaskan Kimbal (penggulung kimbab dari bambu)
• Atur wortel, mentimun, telur dadar, tuna, crabstick di bagian depan diatas nasi
• Gulunglah kimbal bersama dengan isinya
• Potong setebal 1 cm
(Resep yang Kedua) (1stopKorea.com)
1. Place a large seaweed sheet on the bamboo mat, shiny side down on a cutting board. Put two or three tablespoons of rice in the center of the seaweed sheet and spread evenly over the seaweed.
2. Spread the rice evenly over the seaweed sheet and leave a 3cm (about one inch) margin at the top of the sheet to seal the roll later.
3. Spread a streak of mayonnaise and wasabi (or other condiment according to taste) across the middle, then add layers of seafood, omlette, and vegetables (carrot, cucumber, etc.) down the center of the rice. You can use many different types of appropriate filling.
4. To roll, fold the seaweed paper (or the bamboo mat – if there is one) so the filling is enclosed in the center of the paper. Roll carefully and slowly, keeping some pressure evenly on the paper (or bamboo mat).
5. Press the mat around the roll for about thirty seconds to shape and compress it, then moisten the margin of seaweed with a cooking brush dipped in water, and seal the roll as tightly as possible.
6. Remove the mat from around the roll. Slice the roll into 2cm slices, using a large, wet, sharp knife. Do not saw, but cut firmly, straight down, thus keeping the original round shape of the kimbap.
7. Notice that the filling (vegetable, seafood, etc.) is 80% of the roll. The rice is a relatively small amount, about 20%. It means that this is a very well-made, healthy roll of kimbap.
Ada beberapa jenis Gimbap, yaitu Tuna Gimbap, Sam Gak Gimbap, dan Chungmu Gimbap.
김밥 (Tuna Gimbap)
Cara membuat Tuna Gimbap : (maangchi.com)
(2-3 servings)
- 5-6 cups cooked rice (made from 3 cups of uncooked rice)
- laver (“kim”)
- yellow radish pickle (“danmu ji”)
- 1 avocado
- crabmeat, a can of tuna
- soy sauce, garlic, sesame oil and seeds, and a green onion.
Prepare a large plate to arrange all ingredients for kimbap
- Prepare about 5-6 cups of cooked rice in a large bowl
- Make your mixing sauce by mixing up ½ tbs sugar, 1 ts salt, and 1 tbs of vinegar until the liquid looks clear
- Mix rice with the mixing sauce and stir it evenly. Set it aside for now.
Let’s roll Kimbap!
- Make seasoned tuna flakes
- Open a can of tuna and remove the oil or water. Put it on a heated pan and drizzle some sesame oil over it. Toss it and cook it for 2 minutes
- Add 1 tbs of soy sauce, ½ tbs of sugar, 1 clove of minced garlic, and 1 ts of ground black pepper.
- Keep stirring for another 3 minutes.
- Turn off the heat and add 1 chopped green onion, 2 ts of sesame oil and 1 tbs of toasted sesame seeds.
- Place 3 yellow radish pickle strips on the plate.
- Place 3 pieces of crab meat on the plate.
- Slice an avocado and place it on the plate.
- Place a sheet of laver(“kim”) on the bamboo mat and evenly spread a layer of rice in the center of it.
- Place 2-3 spoons of seasoned tuna flakes on top of the layer of rice. Add a yellow radish pickle strip, some avocado, and a red crab meat strip.
- Roll it up gently using the bamboo mat.
- Remove the bamboo mat and cut the roll into pieces about 2 cm thick and place it on a plate
*tip: prepare a wet cloth or paper towel to wipe the knife while cutting, it will make it slice easier.Fillings for Kimchi kimbap
If you want to make kimchi kimbap, instead of tuna kimbap, mix the following ingredients and use them instead of tuna:
½ cup of chopped Kimchi, ½ tbs of hot pepper paste, 1 ts sugar, ½ tbs of sesame oil, ½ tbs of sesame seeds, and 1 chopped green onion.
Berikut ini adalah video cara membuat Tuna Gimbap :
삼각김밥 (Sam Gak Gimbap)
Sam Gak Kimbap merupakan Kimbap segitiga yang akan banyak ditemukan di mini market di Korea, misalkan di Family Mart. Pembungkusnya unik dan cara membukanya pun ada tips-nya.
Cara membuat Sam Gak Gimbap : (maangchi.com)
Ingredients: (for 3-4 servings, or 8-9 Sam Gak kimbap)
Cooked rice (about 4 cups), vinegar, white sugar, salt, laver for samgak kimbap, a can of tuna, soy sauce, garlic, sesame oil, roasted sesame seeds, black ground pepper, kimchi, and hot pepper paste.
Ok, let’s start!
Prepare rice:
Make filling:
- Mix 1 tbs vinegar, 2 ts of white sugar, ¼ ts of salt in a small bowl until the mixture of liquid looks clear.
- In a large bowl, put 4-5 cups of fresh made warm rice and pour the clear liquid into the rice and mix it and cool down.
Tuna filling
Kimchi filling
- Open a can of tuna and squeeze out the water through a cheesecloth.
- In a heated pan, put 1 ts vegetable oil.
- Add 1 clove of minced garlic, the tuna, 2 ts of soy sauce, and 2 ts of brown sugar into the pan and stir it for a few minutes.
- Turn the heat off and add 1 ts sesame oil, 1 ts roasted sesame seeds, and ¼ ts of black ground pepper.
Put the rice and filling in the mold:
- Chop ¼ cup kimchi and put it in a small bowl.
- Add 1 ts of hot pepper paste, 1 ts of sesame oil, and 1 ts of roasted sesame seeds to the kimchi and mix it up.
Wrap it up:
- Fill the mold about 2/3 full with cooked rice.
- Place your filling in the center.
- Top up the mold with rice, put on the lid, and press it down.
Eat it:
- Take out a piece of kim from the package. Don’t remove the plastic wrap, we need this! Look for the numbers on the sheet. The numbers side of the sheet goes down, and #1 should be pointing away from you.
- Take the lid off your mold, and place it face down on your sheet. The tip of the triangle should be pointing away from you, towards #1. Let the rice packet gently slide out on to the sheet.
- Fold the sheet over the rice, away from you and towards #1. Then fold up the sides. Keep them in place with the sticker that came with the kim
- When you’re ready to eat it, look for #1 on the side of the packet. Pull that tab and the plastic will peel off.
- Gently remove #2 and then #3, putting the kim back into place each time.
- Take a bite. Crispy, isn’t it?
Berikut ini adalah video cara pembuatannya dan cara membuka bungkusan Sam Gak Gimbap :
충무김밥 (Chungmu Gimbap)
Chungmu Kimbap merupakan makanan khas di daerah Chungmu yang sekarang berubah nama sebagai Tongyoung di propinsi Kyungsang selatan. Kimbap ini lebih mirip dengan bentuk awal Kimbab dan biasanya dimakan dengan Kimchi lobak, cumi-cumi rebus dengan saus pedas, dan sup.
Dulu di Chungmu, sebuah daerah pantai, istri memasak Kimbab yang memisahkan nasi gulung dan bahan isinya untuk suami yang pergi menangkap ikan. Karena nasi dan bahan lain yang digulung bersama Gim itu mudah basi kalau lama disimpan.
Cara membuat Chungmu Gimbap : (triyanifajriutami.wordpress.com)
- satu mangkuk nasi putih
- 4 lembar Gim
- 1 ekor cumi-cumi
- 1/4 buah lobak
- 1/2 buah bawang bombai
- 1 gelas air putih
- 6 sdm cuka
- 5 sdm gula pasir
- 1 sdm garam
- 3 sdm bubuk cabe merah
- 2 sdm daun bawang potong halus
- 2 sdm bawang putih cincang halus
- 1 sdm minyak wijen
- 1 sdm biji wijen
Cara membuat:
- Cumi-cumi yang sudah dibersihkan direbus lalu dipotong
- Campurkan cumi-cumi bersama 1 sdm bubuk cabe merah, 1 sdm daun bawang, 1 sdm bawang putih, 1 sdm minyak wijen, dan 1/2 sdm biji wijen
- Lobak dibagi 4 kemudian dipotong dengan ukuran 0.5 cm
- Direndam dalam cairan yang dibuat dari 1 gelas air putih, 6 sdm cuka, 5 sdm gula, dan 1 sdm garam lalu diamkan selama 6 jam
- Disaring lalu diperas.
- Dicampur dengan 2 sdm bubuk cabe merah, 1 sdm bawang bombai, dan 1 sdm daun bawang.
- Panggang Gim sebentar lalu potong menjadi 4 lembar
- 1 sdm nasi dibungkus dengan 1 lembar Gim
- Sajikan gulungan nasi dengan Gim bersama kimchi lobak dan cumi-cumi yang dimasak.
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